Friday, May 15, 2009

NBA players tired

There has been too much talk about how tired NBA players are in the playoffs. Anywhere you turn you hear it...

"Celtics look tired after grueling series with Bulls"
Doc: “There was no fatigue," said Rivers. "I don’t believe in that. We had a whole day off, we ain’t making no excuses. We played flat, we played with no energy in the first half, but it wasn’t the fatigue factor. As poorly as we played, we had plenty of opportunities to win this game."

I'm so tired of hearing that excuse especially when it comes from commentators - who are supposed to know better. We are talking about professional athletes who workout each and every day.

THERE IS NO WAY THEY ARE TIRED. Their workouts consist of hours in the gym - running sprints, lifting weights, shooting, playing scrimmage , much more than the 2.5 hours of a game. This is their job! They are well trained and well maintained by a large staff of people that work only for them.

So yes you can get tired in the game itself, but it does not last past the next morning.

These guys can play many game 7 series and still not be tired. Barring any injuries, these guys are well oiled machines by this time in the playoffs. Yes they get winded, but so does Michael Phelps after a 50m sprint, that does not mean he is tired the next day, or tired after a small break to swim . It is just a fact that when your heart rate elevates, you get winded.

The Principle of Adaptation states that when we undergo the stress of physical exercise, our body adapts and becomes more efficient. It’s just like learning any new skill; at first it’s difficult, but over time it becomes second-nature. These guys have adopted.

These guys are not "tired" when a new day begins.